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Caterpillar FOREST PRODUCTS 579C - catalog of spare parts



Gross power - 174hp

Engineering model - Cat C6.6 ACERT Tier 4 Interim

Full power - 1800 rpm - 174hp

Hydraulic system

Hydraulic pressure system - 3500 psi

Hydraulic pressure swing - 3500 psi

Cylinders - Home - 2

Cylinders - Stick - 1

Cylinders - Stabilizers - 4

Hydraulic oil flow at 1800 rpm - 230/230 liters (60/60 gallons)

Performance specifications

Torque - 73800 pounds

Swing speed - 9.5rpm

Jamb length - 32 feet to

Standard Knuckle - 32 feet to

Maximum reach - standard boom - 32 feet to

Tail swing - 108.2in

Rolling bearing - diameter - ball track - 43.5in

Service replenishment options

Cooling system - 7.5gal

Fuel tank - 100gal

Hydraulic tank - 80gal

Machine oil - 4gal

Swing drive - 2.6gal


OFPS - Cab conforms to SAE J2267

Dimensions for transportation - trailer

Width - 101.3in

Growth - 161.9in